Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Constructing your Snowman Advent Calendar | Daisy's

Were you lucky enough to get hold of the Snowman Advent Calendar from Daisy's Jewels & Crafts? Are you are still on the fence about buying? 
These instructions will show you just how easy it is to construct! 
All the pieces have a series of number or letters to make matching up the pieces quick and simple!

So grab your Daisy's MDF Glue or other strong pva and lets get started!

How to construct your Snowman Advent Calendar from Daisy's Jewels and Crafts.
Gather all your pieces together.  Sort all the dividing pieces in to 2 piles, one for those marked with numbers and one for those marked with letters.
Starting with the Letter pieces.  Slot them into the matching lettered Vertical slots on the back snowman piece, applying glue as you go.  
A close up showing the letter on the tabs matching the letters next to the correct slots!
Grabbing the Numbered dividing pieces, add these in the matching Horizontal slots, again adding glue as you go.
Close up showing the vertical and horizontal pieces in place.
In addition to all the pieces in step 1, you'll also have a lot of pieces like these!  These glue together to make the drawers for your advent calendar.
Now you can finally glue the the front snowman onto the piece and add the base.
NOTE: You may want to first paint the sections before constructing, or before you add the front.  I prefer to do it before adding the front.
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Thank you as always for popping by.
Check out more photos of this finished project HERE.

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