Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Hospital - Neurologist

Okay, a slight diversion from the crafts, but I did promise the occasional update on my state of health.

You may know (or not!) that I live with the incurable peripheral neuropathy called Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease.  Despite the ridiculous name, CMT is a serious disease and is currently incurable.

On Monday I went for my Annual Neurology appointment with the amazing Dr Roberts at Salford Royal Hospital.  I am so so lucky to be under the rather ample wing of this man!

CMT is unfortunately a condition in which the majority of doctors are inexperienced, although this is slightly improving.  Dr Roberts is a whiz in CMT, always accurate, helpful, friendly and not condescending (make the cheque payable to "#1 patient" please Dr R!).  Dr R told me this time that he has around 100 patients with CMT which I find incredible!  On Monday we talked about how I think I've progressed since seeing him last, and if I had any issues that need addressing.  So, I'm off back to the surgeon next to try and fix my pesky toe that is determined to reach for the sky since my toe straightening op 2 years ago! 

Dr Roberts had one of his registrars in with him as usual, and I'm always happy to be a guinea pig and help him to teach his minions about CMT!  He has a wonderful team.  

Now for a plea for help!

I am greatly supported by a network of fellow "CMTers" through the charity CMT United Kingdom, and the charity always needs financial help in order to help people like me, whether directly through their information service or indirectly through the research project they are part funding.  Do please consider donating a little.  Think of it this way, whilst there will probably never be a cure or life changing treatment in my lifetime, with your help the research the CMT UK are focussing on will certainly help to make a difference to future generations of CMT patients.

Please visit the CMT United Kingdom website HERE.  They are not a huge charity rolling in funds like some, so please consider them when donating to good causes.

Thank you!

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