Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Catch Up (1 of 3 : Canvas Crazy!)

Well firstly, a huge sorry for the big gap since my last post! I looked back and noticed just how long it has been! 

Well, anyway! I'm going to post a series of catch up posts without much waffle to bore you! That way I can show you guys what I've been up to then get on to up to date posting!!

So this first update includes a series of mixed media canvases and paintings that I made back in November. I had one of those phases where I just kept on painting and I think I have some great pieces to show for it!

This first piece is a large canvas that I just adore! It is going to be getting a coat of varnish before it goes up on my bathroom wall!

These next canvases are all A4 sized...

Thanks for sticking with me through this picture heavy post! Please pop back to the home page and take a look at my other 2 update posts!


  1. Sam, these are amazing! You are a true artist. I have dabbled with canvasses myself but didn't even come close to what you created. I am in awe....

    Love, Freddie

  2. Fabulous canvases and all so different - love them

  3. oh hunny,these are amazing,so much,depth,texture and colours love them hun hugs Cherylxxxx

  4. Stunning canvases, love them. xx

  5. These are all fabulous Sam, love the gorgeous background and designs.
    Linda xxxx

  6. brilliant i especially like the skull one.Ive just finished a mermaid type one for my daughters room ,at the moment just trying to attach something to hang it up with.

  7. Incredible! I especially like the mermaid and home ones, but they are all fantastic. xx

  8. They're great Sam - I think my favourite is the first one, is the mermaid a Rick St Dennis?

  9. All absolutely amazing. Welcome back x

  10. amazing work , I adore the skull one

  11. Hi Sam they are all amazing you are very talented. Hugs Jackie


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