Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Journal52 # 9 - Artistic Restraint

I have something different from Cards and Tags to show you today!  This week I took a little time out to catch up on 2 of the Art Journal prompts from Journal52.
Week 9's prompt was Artistic Restraint and came with the instructions to use just one colour and one basic shape.  As you can see, I chose the colour purple and circles.
I actually found it a very refreshing challenge to take a step back and not just throw everything at a page!  I think one of my weaknesses is not leaving enough (or any!) "white space" at times!
After gessoing my page (for no other reason than it was filthy with inks and stencil clean off and I wanted a white base to this page) I started by laying down Distress Ink in Seedless Preserves through a homemade stencil that I'd cut a couple of circles from. 
Next I mixed a little some cheap purple paint in with Winsor and Newton Galeria Heavy Gel Medium and stencilled it through a polka dot stencil.
After the stencilling had thoroughly dried I grabbed my Sharpies and drew circles through the same homemade stencil that I used for the Distress Ink.  I also went crazy and squiggled a huge freehand circle in the lower middle half of the page in the same colour Sharpie!
Next came my black Molotow and Posca Paint Markers which I used to create the rectangle shapes for the journaling to go on top of.  Then finally I wrote the journaling onto scrap paper and glued down before adding some tiny black circles to the rest on the page to finish.
Then I locked away my stash and firmly sat on my hands to force myself to adhere to the prompt theme!... and I'm so glad I did because I love it!
If any of you are art journal people you really should check out the Journal52 facebook group!  It is fantastic!
Bye for now,


  1. One of my goals for 2015 is to leave more white space. Seriously.

  2. Great page and great explanation of your process! I really like the clean lines and contrast with the beautiful color.

  3. This page is epic! Purple is me favourite colour and I do love circles (although squares are my favourite shape...I'm a maths nerd, of course I have a favourite shape!). Love it! xx

  4. My favourite colour and loving the design! Stunning journal page.
    Linda xxx

  5. Hi Sam this is a fantastic page. I do like purple it is such a lovely colour. Hugs Jackie

  6. Love this one. Purple!! Tomorrow is World Purple Day

  7. Bubbles bubbles everywhere what fun love it hugs Judith xxx

  8. Such a free and expressive art piece Sam.


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