Saturday, 18 April 2015

10 Facts About Me (#gettoknowtheaddict) & a bit of watercolouring

So this evening (or was it last night? I don't know, its 4am and I've not been to sleep yet!), I stumbled across the #gettoknowtheaddict tag, for addicts of any hobby!

The idea is to give 10 Facts about yourself, before tagging 2 more people to do the same.

Over on Facebook, where I've also posted this, I tagged 3 of my friends (cos I'm a rebel like that!)... Kelly Donovan, Erin Stewart and Lisa Horton.

But before I get onto my long list of facts about me, I just want to share with you a couple of the images I've been colouring using my new DoCrafts Artiste Watercolour Pens from That Craft Place.  I have been having a play, and these have not yet been made into finished projects, but I've definitely found my perfect medium for colouring!

Dancer, by Saturated Canary
Dr Who, from MayzyArt
So, as a self-confessed #craftaddict here goes my 10 FACTS ABOUT ME!

*** 1..... As the hashtag above suggests, I am an avid crafter! My favourite crafty discipline is mixed media, but I also greatly enjoy paper crafts, card making and sewing.

I find the whole creative process greatly therapeutic and I truly believe that being able to lose myself in my art has helped me to overcome some very problematic moments and circumstances in my life over the past few years.  I am very lucky to have my very own craft room and can be found in their most of the day!

*** 2..... I was adopted into my wonderful family when I was 2 and love all my family dearly.  My younger brother is also adopted, although not from the same family.

*** 3..... I am gay and married my wife in November last year after 10 years together.  Our little family unit currently consists of 3 dogs (Lucy, an 11 year old lurcher, Murphy, a 7 year old lurcher, and Viktor our 12 year old former Romanian street dog). We also have 2 adorable guinea pigs (Winnie Wrinkles, and Dax).

*** 4..... I am an 80s child, born in February 82. My birthday makes me an Aquarius which, if you subscribe to astrology rhetoric, means I am intellectual, humanitarian and logical, yet impatient and temperamental. Artistic and inventive yet complex and scientific. (Yes I just googled all this as I don't follow star signs at all!). I'd say actually fairly damn accurate though!

*** 5..... I have a progressive (gets worse over time), incurable condition called Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease. This is a peripheral neuropathy primarily affecting my balance, ability to walk (mobility), and my hands. It also causes me significant pain and fatigue. That is the very simplified summary of CMT!... visit www.cmt if interested in finding out more.

I have a power wheelchair called Wheeliam who is fabulous but I am unfortunately unable to get him out of the house (where he is most needed) until social services get through their process.

*** 6..... I am very into films and TV programmes in the Science Fiction genre, my number one favourite being Star Trek (all the series, except TOS , which I forced myself to sit through out of respect for Roddenberry and because I felt obligated as a Trekkie!).

Other TV shows I watch and love include (but are not limited to!) Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Farscape, Firefly, Arrow, The Flash, Gotham, Defiance, Game of Thrones (not technically sci fi, but there ARE dragons in it!), Charmed, Dexter and Warehouse 13!  I also love the movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the TV show that runs alongside (Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

*** 7..... I am 6ft tall exactly, and yes, that is without any shoes on! So yes, as a very tall woman, I stick out more than I like but not much I can do about it!

*** 8..... If I had to choose 10 words to best sum up my personality, they would be: Creative, Non-confrontational, Loyal, Needy, Intelligent, Spiritual, Forgetful, Shy (but better than I used to be), Nerdy, Humorus.

*** 9..... I have very few "real life" friends. I can count them on one hand, half a hand in fact! However I am very blessed to have a network of a few virtual friends that I feel very close to.

*** 10..... 5 things I couldn't live without: Claire, my parents, my car, paint and a paint brush!

Hope you enjoyed that bit of self-indulgent waffle! Feel free to quiz me further, let me know if you knew any of these facts, or ignore completely!



  1. Thank you for sharing about yourself. I love your artwork xxxx

  2. Hi Sam, enjoyed reading your blog. Have a good weekend. X

  3. Wow! Your colouring is amazing! Love how you managed to make the skirt look so light and transparent, and your light and shaded areas really bring the images to life, fabulous!

  4. Morning Sam, lovely to learn more about you! I love visiting your blog as your creations are so inspirational. My hubby loves your Dr Who image and I love the beautiful Saturated Canary image they are both beautifully coloured.
    Linda xxx

  5. Wonderful watercolour creations Sam. Love the colour palettes used.

  6. hey, lovely to get to know about you, we share a lot of interests xx

  7. The images are wonderful and so beautifully coloured. I enjoyed reading about you. Hugs Jackie

  8. Great colouring!!!! I love finding out about people, I'm a tall woman with health issues too....Lol. X

  9. Fabulous waterrcolouring Sam xxx

  10. Great card Sam! Thanks for sharing about yourself. I think one of your words should be articulate. Well done xx Jan

  11. Beautiful coloring Sam and thank you for sharing all of this great information about yourself. You and I have so so very much in common.. from being crafty to being gay to being disabled and having power wheelchairs to having very tiny handful of real life friends. It's been great getting to know more about you! Thanks for sharing! Stop by my blog today 5/3 for a blogaversary blog hop and some fun giveaways!
    ♥ Jo's Scrap Shack ♥


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