Wednesday 15 April 2015

SHOUT OUT - to my favourite Bloggers & You Tubers

Hi folks! 
I hope you are all having a fantastic day! The sun has been shining here today and I've been and stocked up on gorgeous lace trims in my local sewing shop! A mixed media girl can never have to much! 
I just wanted to take a step away from showcasing my own creations to give a shout out to the fellow Bloggers, and You Tubers that all brighten up my day in some way or another! 
Please remember that this list is potentially never ending and not every blog or you tube channel that I've ever visited could be listed here. 
So, to those listed here, and not listed here, please accept my sincere thanks for the inspiration you've given me; For every tutorial, tip or long rambling video that I love so much (yes, I'm serious!). For giving me a brief peek into your lives.  Thankyou for sharing your art and your creations with me. I know the time it takes to put blog posts together and can only imagine that shooting and posting you tube videos is a similar, if not much longer, process! 
Just for info, I have put a few key words in brackets after each link, summarising what they do and / or my reason for loving them! 
NOTE: A note stating "lots of talking" in videos is NOT a criticism! I love videos that are in real time with talking about the persons thought processes and / or mentions about other things going on in their life.
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So, without further ado, a few of the Craft Blogs that I just love to follow:
Erin Stewart - Toad and Magic
(mixed media, colouring)

That Craft Place - Challenge Blog
(best craft shop ever!)

Claudia Neubacher - Von Pappe II
(mixed media goddess!, tutorials)

Amanda Arnold - Amanda's Colour Creations
(cards, colouring)

Laine - Dream Laine
(cards, colouring)

Candy Colwell - Creativity Is Contagious
(mixed media)

Lisa "Ditzie" Horton - By Lilymac
(colouring, cards, mixed media)

Lorraine Lowe - coldwaters2
(cards, colouring)

(mixed media queen!, canvases)

Sandie Gough - Fairytale Daydream
(cards, colouring)

Erin "Sparkles" Fairclough - Elfie's Sparkle and Dust
(cards, colouring)

Mark Gould - Speshink
(mixed media, stamping, inks)

Mark Gould - Spesh-Chic
(DecoArt chalk paints, upcycled furniture)

Janet Babar - Crafty Kendalian
(cards, colouring)

Judith Taylor-Wright - Judith's Adorable Creations
(cards, digital layouts)

Sugar and Betty's Challenge Blog
(one of my favourite digistamp sellers)

Misty - Perfectly Imperfect
(mixed media, art journals)

Neil - Neelz Expressions
(mixed media, art journals, book covers)
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And not forgetting my favourite crafting You Tube Channels :

(lots of talking, beginners, money saving tips, art journals)
(lots of talking, money saving tips, tutorials, product reviews)

 Jane - velocityvette08
(lots of talking, mixed media)
Donna Downey
(painter, mixed media, canvases & journals)

  Gisele Grenier
(mixed media, canvases, art journals, tutorials, lessons)

Gabrielle Pollacco
(mixed media canvases, chipboard)

Andy Skinner
(DecoArt, mixed media, techniques, tutorials)

  Misty Russell
(mixed media, canvases, art journals)

  Wilma Voermans
(mixed media layouts, art journals, money saving)

  Chelle Steine
(Journal52 PromptsPrompts, art journals)

  Michele Theberge
(painter, acrylic paints, techniques, tips)

  Noell Hyman
(CHA demos!)

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Thankyou for visiting! I do hope you visit some of the showcased Blogs and You Tube Channels.

If you already read or watch any of these Blogs and You Tube Channels, please let me know in the comment box below.

I'd also very much like to hear of any bloggers and you tubers that I may be missing out on, so whack those suggests below too! 

Have a wonderful day.



  1. Aw! That's so lovely of you, Sam! I feel truly honored (and thanks for the "goddess"...giggle-blush)! Such a great collection of awesome artists - to find myself among them definitely makes me very proud! Thank you so much! Mwah! XXX Claudia

  2. A fabulous selection of blogs and youtube channels to visit.
    Linda xxx

  3. Thanks Sam lovely thing to do and your recognition means a lot xxx Love to follow u too you are a truly awesome crafter crafty hugs Judith xxx

  4. Great post! I regularly visit many of the blogs on your list!
    Dawn xx

  5. sweet! Speechless! <3


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Thank you,
